Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A view from the pew--an introduction

I have had the incredible privilege of functioning as a full-time vocational minister for over 25 years. Currently, I am in between full-time positions with the decision made to get involved now in a local church until we find ourselves working somewhere else.

Consequently, I am now on the other side of the pulpit.
Instead of standing behind it--I am looking at it.
Instead of "controlling" the clock and what else happens--I am at the "mercy" of the pastor who is up front.
Instead of knowing what is next--I am one of the curious onlookers wondering how the service will "go" today.

It is with this introduction in mind that I set out to write observations from the pew. Having been UP THERE--what does it now feel like to be DOWN HERE?

I must also include this disclaimer of sorts. No pastor in any church gets it right all the time. I certainly didn't. Hence, these thoughts are meant to be general statements from church experiences throughout time triggered by where I sit now.

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